Mukazi Series

As part of our mission to tell socially impactful stories, we embarked on our first in-house project: the Mukazi Series. It is a pioneer documentary series about inspiring Ugandan women who are striving to change the stereotype around the traditional role of women in Uganda, and to inspire young girls and women to not give up on their dreams. Back in the days, women were not considered fit and worthy of particular careers and occupations, thus discouraged many girls to settle for less. Fast forward, due to the feminist movement and political activism, many women have challenged the stereotypes and have broken those barriers and thrived for their rights.

Moving forward, our intention is to make each story different, capitalising on different women's experiences.

EP01- Faith Aweko

Our story follows Faith Aweko, an entrepreneur and founder of Reform Africa, as we determine how her past conflict with family, issues with streamlined education, and choice of career as a pioneer tackling Uganda's plastic waste problem, and pollution, marked her success today and her future calling.

Faith's story is the pilot episode of the series and was premiered in March 2021.