Innovating the rural water supply in Uganda

Client: JICA Uganda

Services - scripting, filming and editing and animation


Uganda has over 60,000 water sources but only 70% are operational due to poor handling  of resources. The Uganda Government requested Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), a Japanese governmental agency, to improve the operation and maintenance of rural water supply facilities and improve hygiene and sanitation. The need further appeared to create stronger awareness of the project and motivate local communities.


To produce a documentary/informational film that highlights the impact of the project in different communities. The team travelled to a small village in central Uganda to capture the stories of people whose lives have greatly changed as a result of access to affordable and clean water.

Positive impact

The Uganda Government extensively used both short (trailer) and full video through multiple online and offline  communication channels, funding for the project quickly rose, awareness of the project significantly grew, and local communities felt more engaged and motivated.